dia 800 mm

Detaljbild svart rund spegel med metallram
2 930,00 SEK
The Swedish lake of Runn, with its multiple islands, is a popular ice-skating spot – there are more than 30 km of skating routes. Our mirrors do not get scratched and are available in two sizes.
Detaljbild rund spegel med svart aluminiumram
2 230,00 SEK
Siljan, in the Dalarna region, is a lake that has a special history, as it is located on the edge of a crater of the same name, created when a meteor struck 377 million years ago. The circular mirrors, of large dimensions, also have a secret – they have added lighting.
Detaljbild rund spegel med svart aluminiumram och spegelglaset djupare in i ramen
2 230,00 SEK
Siljan, in the Dalarna region, is a lake that has a special history, as it is located on the edge of a crater of the same name, created when a meteor struck 377 million years ago. The circular mirrors, of large dimensions, also have a secret – they have added lighting.
