
Detaljbild rektangulär spegel med svart aluminiumram
1 595,00 SEK
A long mirror, like the lake Breasen, of an area of 1.59 square kilometres, 220 metres above sea level, in southern Norrland. The frame surrounds the mirror the way a forest does a lake.
Detaljbild kvadratisk LED-spegel med svart aluminiumram och touch-knappar
LED light
6 190,00 SEK
Located in Jämtland is the beautiful lake Juvuln – There you can find surprises from the Stone Age and our mirror with the same name also has a surprise – It has built-in LED lighting that can be adjusted.  
Detaljbild rund LED-spegel med svart metallram
LED light
7 900,00 SEK
In the municipality of Hedemora in beautiful Dalarna is the small lake Lomen. With only an area of 0.148 square meters, it is easy for the sun to illuminate the entire lake. Our round mirror Lomen has an LED lighting that illuminates the entire mirror like the lake in just one touch of a button.
Detaljbild rund spegel med svart aluminiumram
2 230,00 SEK
Siljan, in the Dalarna region, is a lake that has a special history, as it is located on the edge of a crater of the same name, created when a meteor struck 377 million years ago. The circular mirrors, of large dimensions, also have a secret – they have added lighting.
